Jared Milne
1 min readDec 12, 2021


As a Canadian, I've learned a few things about the men that governed our southern neighbours that I'd be happy to pass along:

-James Madison: The first President to lose a war. Ever wonder why there are no films about the War of 1812?

-Andrew Jackson: He was probably the first President to survive an assassination attempt. The nutcase who tried to shoot him had two derringers misfire on the spot, after which Jackson beat him like a rented mule. The guns were working fine and should have fired. Go figure.

-James K. Polk: Lent his name to the high school where Al Bundy scored four touchdowns in one game to win the Chicago high school championship. It was all downhill for Al from there.

-Abraham Lincoln: Presidential security was an afterthought. When he was shot, his bodyguard was getting drunk off his ass at a tavern down the street. Note that said bodyguard was an incompetent dumbfuck who'd been reprimanded several times for getting drunk and even sleeping on duty. Part of the conspiracy to kill Lincoln was probably to make that buffoon his security guard.

-Ulysses S. Grant: I never understood why so many people smoked like chimneys in the first part of the 20th century. Grant's death from cancer due to his 20-cigar-a-day habit was a pretty good PSA against the dangers of smoking.

-Grover Cleveland: He served two non-consecutive terms. He also spanked Abraham Simpson on two non-consecutive occasions.



Jared Milne

Passionately devoted to Canadian unity. Fascinated by Canadian politics and history. Striving to understand the mysteries of Canada. Publishes every few weeks.